Southeastern Aesthetic Surgery
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1. What is the success rate of hair transplants?

On average, hair transplants like FUE and NeoGraft™ have an 85 to 95 percent success rate. Patients at Southeastern Aesthetic Surgery are thrilled with the results they receive from hair restoration treatments with Dr. Austin and his expert medical team.

2. How long does a hair transplant last?

The results you receive from your hair transplant treatments have the potential to last a lifetime! This is because the healthy hair follicles transplanted to areas of thinning hair allow patients to keep growing their very own thick, full head of hair so long as the follicles remain healthy and undamaged.

3. What is the best age for a hair transplant?

At Southeastern Aesthetic Surgery, we don’t believe in a perfect age to receive a hair transplant. Dr. Austin and his expert medical team are happy to provide patients as young as their 20s and as mature as their 60s with hair restoration treatments like FUE, so they can live their lives happily and confidently.

4. Do hair transplants leave scars?

Many of our patients are concerned about their hair restoration treatments leaving scars. With advances in technology, Dr. Austin and his team are proud to offer cutting-edge treatments that reduce scarring and provide patients with exceptionally natural-looking results. Because treatments like NeoGraft™ and FUE harvest individual hair follicles, patients do not have to worry about lines of scarring that they typically associate with traditional hair restoration treatments.

5. Are hair transplants painful?

During your hair restoration treatments, Dr. Austin will administer a local anesthetic to your treatment area to ensure you remain comfortable throughout your treatment. Following treatment, it’s common for patients to experience mild tenderness and swelling around their treated areas. Dr. Austin will be happy to provide you with detailed post-operative care instructions to ensure you have a quick and comfortable recovery.