Southeastern Aesthetic Surgery
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Many patients feel more motivated to take care of themselves after their procedure—whether it be a tummy tuck, liposuction, or something less invasive like a contouring procedure. You feel refreshed, like a better you. A healthy lifestyle will keep you feeling this way and ensure lasting results.

Have a Post-Operative Plan

It is important to go into your procedure with clear and realistic expectations. You will want to fully understand the procedure and the ensuing results. During your consultation, Dr. Austin will provide you with information and instruction on post-operative care. Working together, you can create a personalized post-op plan to ensure a speedy and effective recovery.

Plan Your Recovery

Each procedure has a different recovery time. Consult with Dr. Austin to find out the specifics of your procedure and how long of a recovery period he feels is necessary. As each of our bodies is different, note what feels good to you and do not push your body beyond what is comfortable. You want to be careful not to stress your body.

It is usually recommended that you do not overly exert yourself for the first 48 hours. In the weeks following, you can slowly increase your activity level as your body recovers. Incorporate light cardio such as leisurely walking or slow cycling on a stationary bike. The more invasive the surgery, the longer the recovery. Procedures that involve muscle repair (such as a tummy tuck) will have the longest recovery period in order to let muscles adequately heal. Similarly, for more invasive procedures, you will need to wait longer to incorporate exercise.

Eat Right

As your body heals, a balanced diet is necessary to promote healing and minimize complications. After your treatment, your body will need nutrients. Eating right manages pain, helps wounds heal, decreases the risk of infection and can reduce the likelihood of scarring.

Inflammation (swelling) is our body’s way of protecting itself.  Upon injury, inflammation increases the blood supply to the affected area. Surgery causes a similar reaction.  However, too much inflammation inhibits healing and should be controlled. In addition to ice and elevation, a balanced diet can decrease inflammation. Choose foods rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids. Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains help combat inflammation.

Include mono-unsaturated fats like extra-virgin olive oil, avocados, and nuts. By eating right, you give your body optimal conditions for recovery.

Let Dr. Austin Help

During your consultation, Dr. Austin focuses on you and your goals. He will give you a realistic view of your procedure and your outcomes. Dr. Austin will work with you to create a post-operative plan ensuring that you have a comfortable, successful recovery. Keep your new physique! To learn more, contact Southeastern Aesthetic Surgery.