Southeastern Aesthetic Surgery
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Gynecomastia Surgery in Augusta, GA

Gynecomastia surgery eliminates excess fat from the chest and pectoral region in men and teen boys. Southeastern Aesthetic Surgery, led by our skilled surgeons include board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Troy Austin, provide gynecomastia surgery for men and teen boys in Augusta, Evans, Columbia County, and nearby areas in Georgia. We are also happy to provide our services to residents of Aiken and the neighboring communities in South Carolina.

Before & After

What is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is excess fat or glandular tissue that accumulates in the pectoral region in men and boys, causing the breasts to become overdeveloped. Since gynecomastia may be caused by hormonal imbalances in some cases, simply treating the hormonal imbalance may eliminate it. But when gynecomastia is caused by weight gain, the solution is gynecomastia surgery or liposuction to extract excess fatty deposits from the pectoral region.


Gynecomastia may be the result of weight gain, improper diet, hormonal fluctuations, hereditary conditions, or certain medications.


Gynecomastia treatment can help you achieve a tight, muscular chest contour as this procedure effectively removes the fat cells from the pectoral region, it will also prevent future accumulation of fat in that area.


The procedure takes one to three hours to perform and depending on the extent of your procedure, local, or general anesthesia may be used. In most cases, liposuction, excision surgery, or a combination of both may be performed. Your procedure will depend on the type of tissue to be removed, as well as the size and volume of fat in the treatment area. Liposuction alone may extract tissue that is composed exclusively of fat cells, but if you have deposits of glandular tissue or excess skin that may sag after fat extraction, surgery may be required to achieve a trim, toned contour. Gynecomastia surgery is performed through incisions along the lower fold of the breast and may reposition the nipple if necessary. You may experience a temporary reduction of sensation in your nipple area, but normal sensation returns after a few months in most cases.


Recovery depends on the extent of your treatment, but you should plan to have someone drive you home after the procedure, as you may still be affected by the anesthesia. For the first few days following the procedure, you may notice minor swelling and bruising, but these symptoms will subside in a few weeks. You will have to wear a compressive vest for four weeks after your treatment to optimize healing and reduce swelling. You may gradually resume normal physical activity about a month after the procedure.


Yes. While gynecomastia treatment effectively eliminates fat cells and is therefore considered a permanent procedure, you may gain weight in other areas of the body in the future that may affect the results of your procedure. To maintain optimal results, we recommend a healthy diet and exercise routine.

Gynecomastia FAQs

What causes gynecomastia?

Unfortunately, there is no single cause for gynecomastia. While gynecomastia typically affects young men going through puberty and older men facing hormonal changes later in life, gynecomastia could also be caused by genetic factors, the habitual use of anabolic steroids, the abuse of marijuana and alcohol, the use of certain prescription medications, and weight gain.

Can you get rid of gynecomastia without surgery?

This answer really depends on what is causing your gynecomastia. While eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly may reduce the appearance of your gynecomastia, oftentimes surgery is required to completely get rid of a puffy appearance. This is because gynecomastia often causes an excess amount of breast tissue to form in the chest, which cannot be eliminated the same way fat can with an active lifestyle.

Is gynecomastia surgery safe?

Yes, gynecomastia surgery is completely safe. Board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Troy Austin, has years of experience performing gynecomastia surgery on his patients. Depending on the extent of your procedure, either local or general anesthesia may be used. Then, the excess fatty deposits in the chest are carefully removed via liposuction and excess breast tissue is carefully excised. Patients are able to make a full recovery within just four to six weeks.

Can gynecomastia come back after surgery?

Once fat and breast tissues are removed from the treated area, they are never replaced with new tissues. That means the results of your gynecomastia surgery do have the potential to be permanent. That being said, there is still a possibility that weight gain will cause a puffy chest to reappear. To maintain your desired results, we encourage you to lead an active lifestyle and maintain a balanced diet.

How long does gynecomastia surgery take?

The length of your gynecomastia surgery will depend on the extent of treatment needed to achieve your desired results. While most gynecomastia surgeries are able to take place within one to two hours, the time it takes to complete your surgery will be individual to your body and your desired results. To get a better idea of how long your surgery will take, we encourage you to come in for a private consultation with Dr. Troy Austin.

Excess fat in the chest is an embarrassment for men and teen boys that can be easily eliminated with gynecomastia treatment. At Southeastern Aesthetic Surgery, our skilled surgeons include board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Troy Austin, perform customized gynecomastia treatments for men and teen boys living in the vicinity of Augusta, Evans, and Columbia County in Georgia and South Carolina. Contact us today!