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Thigh Lift in Augusta, GA

A thigh lift can rejuvenate your thighs by tightening sagging skin and weak muscles. Led by our skilled surgeons include board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Troy Austin, thigh lift surgery and other cosmetic procedures are provided for residents of Augusta, Evans, Columbia County, and nearby areas in Georgia. We are also happy to provide our services to residents of Aiken and the neighboring communities in South Carolina.

What does a Thigh Lift accomplish?

A thigh lift trims away loose skin and eliminates fatty deposits from the thighs to produce a more toned and defined look.

How can a Thigh Lift improve my appearance?

After dramatic weight loss, or as a result of the aging process, many people have loose, hanging skin and pockets of fat that clings to the thighs, causing lumps and bags of skin that detract from your appearance. A thigh lift tightens loose skin muscle, trims away excess skin, and suctions out fatty pockets from the thighs, resulting in a more toned thigh contour. Many patients report that their clothing fits better after this procedure, which also boosts confidence and self-esteem.

Can a Thigh Lift produce a Thigh Gap?

Many patients wish to reduce the circumference of the thigh area, producing a slimmer appearance, and many desire a thigh gap or a space between the top of the thighs. Depending on the natural shape of your thighs, a thigh lift can accomplish this in most patients.

Who is a good candidate for Thigh Lift surgery?

A thigh lift is ideal for adult patients who are in good health and maintain a stable weight close to their ideal weight, but who want to eliminate loose folds of skin or fatty bulges in the thighs. This procedure is not recommended for those who are still in the process of active weight loss, as future weight loss may affect the results of your surgery. Instead, we recommend that you wait until you have achieved your weight-loss goals to undergo this procedure. A consultation with Dr. Austin can help you determine whether a thigh lift may be right for you at this time.

How is a Thigh Lift performed?

The thigh lift is performed under general anesthesia through an incision along the inner thigh that is used to remove excess fat and skin. Liposuction may also be used to optimize sculpting in the area. A thigh lift usually takes about three to four hours to perform and produces immediate, permanent results.

What can I expect after a Thigh Lift?

You will need to have someone drive you home after the procedure and provide basic care around the house for a few days while you recover. There may be some swelling and discomfort that lasts a few days, but these symptoms subside naturally over time. You must wear a compressive support garment on your thighs for a period of three to four weeks while you recover from procedure to ensure optimal results. After a period of three to four weeks, you may gradually resume normal physical activities. A thigh lift produces a faint hairline scar discreetly camouflaged on the inside of each thigh to minimize visibility. These scars will fade away gradually over time.

Thigh Lift FAQs

What is a mini thigh lift?

A mini thigh lift is exactly what it sounds like – this surgical cosmetic procedure involves reducing a small amount of excess skin from the upper portion of the thighs. A mini thigh lift is ideal for patients who wish to reduce their excess skin but do not have enough loose skin to receive a full thigh lift. If you believe you’re a good candidate for a mini thigh lift, we encourage you to come in for a private consultation with Dr. Austin.

How painful is thigh lift surgery?

The thigh lift itself is not a painful procedure. Your thigh lift surgery will be done under anesthesia to ensure you remain as comfortable as possible throughout your procedure. Following your thigh lift, Dr. Troy Austin will provide you with prescriptions for pain management medications and detailed post-operative care instructions to ensure you have a quick and comfortable recovery.

Will insurance cover my thigh lift?

Because a thigh lift is considered a cosmetic procedure, most medical insurance providers do not cover the cost of the surgery. That being said, the best way to find out if your insurance will partially or fully cover the cost of your thigh lift is to reach out to your current health insurance provider. For your convenience, we are happy to offer flexible financing options that better allow you to pay for your procedures based on your lifestyle and budget.

Does a thigh lift get rid of cellulite?

While a thigh lift is not a cellulite treatment, many patients find the appearance of their cellulite improves after receiving a thigh lift. This is because the thigh lift involves pulling your skin tight over your body’s natural contours, therefore smoothing away any lumps or bumps in the skin that may have been there previously.

Where are the scars for a thigh lift?

A thigh lift typically involves a long, thin incision be made from the top of the inner thigh near the groin down the inside of the leg to the knee. These scars are strategically made to be discrete and easily hidden following surgery.

If you’re ready to restore a youthful firmness and contour to your thighs, consider a thigh lift performed by our skilled surgeons include board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Troy Austin, who provide customized thigh lift procedures for patients in Augusta, Evans, and Columbia County, and adjoining areas in Georgia and South Carolina. Contact us today!